A Simple Trick To Help Toddlers Manage Meltdowns
The elevator game is a simple tool you can use to help your child learn to deal with big feelings like anxiety, stress, anger, and disappointment. A hug and validation are also important, but having tools to calm yourself is also key.
The elevator game is just one game… you can create your own as well.
The idea is to help your child visualize they are on an elevator that is coming down. … and as they come down, big feelings also come down.
☞ To add some fun, have your child start the game by touching his nose as if he's pressing the elevator button. That was my silent signal to my kids that they needed to use the elevator game.
Don't Deny Feelings
This isn’t about denying big feelings… it’s about learning to manage them so you can talk about feelings and use them to motivate change.
☞ It’s about learning to pause and calm down.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice the elevator game when your child is calm and relaxed, so she is comfortable playing the game and can rely on it when needed. Also, use the game when your child is showing early signs of becoming overwhelmed. (it’s easier to put out a small fire than a big one).
Want More Tools to Manage Tantrums?
Parenting is tough. We hear you! In our (free) Tame Tantrums Without Losing Your Cool workshop, you'll learn how to manage meltdowns without feeling like you’re on the verge of having one yourself