How To Raise An Awesome Kid

In this episode, Dr. Cathryn discusses how to avoid raising an entitled child and instead foster resilience. She begins by explaining the characteristics of entitled behavior in children while clarifying that normal toddler self-centeredness is different from entitlement.
Dr. Cathryn provides real-life scenarios to illustrate entitled behavior before delving into strategies for encouraging resilience. These strategies include treating toddlers as capable, assigning age-appropriate chores, maintaining boundaries, and encouraging problem-solving. She also emphasizes the importance of modeling gratitude, teaching delayed gratification, and celebrating effort rather than just results.
The episode highlights the significance of allowing children to experience disappointment and age-appropriate risks as part of their development. Dr. Cathryn encourages parents to reflect on whether they're allowing their children to take on suitable responsibilities and if they're modeling resilience themselves.LINKS AND RESOURCES:
Words That Work: 200 Scripts
This is the toddler whisperer's toolkit!
eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success!
Masterclass: Tame Tantrums Without Losing Your Cool
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