Make Going To School Easier

Make Going To School Easier

Starting school can be tough, with a mix of nerves, excitement, and fear. I’ve been there—my youngest had a hard time with drop-offs, but a simple change made all the difference.

Here are some tips to ease the transition:

- Prepare Ahead: Pick out school clothes and pack lunches the night before. Let your child choose their outfit to avoid morning conflicts.

- Ease into Routine: Prep your child on what to expect and stick to bedtime around 7:30-8:30 pm.

- Calm Mornings: Wake up earlier to manage jitters and leave calmly.

- Handle Separation Anxiety: Validate feelings with statements like, “It’s OK to cry. I’ll be back after naptime.” Avoid telling them not to cry or sneaking away.

- Buddy System: If possible, drop off with a school friend to ease the transition.

- Lunch Box Notes: A sweet reminder of home can be comforting.

- After-School Tips: Be welcoming and offer a snack to prevent tantrums. Allow some flexibility with routines.

For more practical advice, check out my guide Words That Work: 200 Scripts for Tricky Toddler Moments. Perfecting what to say can make all the difference.

Tune in for more tips on making parenting easier!



Words That Work: 200 Scripts

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