Is my baby ready for shoes? ๐Ÿ‘ 

The human foot is amazing with 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons.โฃ
Shoes may interfere with how your baby uses the muscles and bones in her feet. So, barefoot is best when your baby is learning to walk. Going barefoot helps feet and ankles strengthen. โฃ
Shoes are meant to protect your baby’s feet from anything sharp. So, it’s best not to put shoes on too early as it won’t help your baby walk any earlier. โฃ
Once your baby starts walking, choose shoes that are lightweight and flexible. Stiff shoes restrict natural foot movements. Look for shoes that fit well and have non-skid soles. โฃ
Here are a few mommy ‘hacks” to make it easier to get shoes that fit:โฃ
โ˜žFirst off, if possible buy shoes after your child have played for a period of time, as feet swell during the day.โฃ
โ˜ž Next, don’t worry about arch or ankle support early on. Your child will build stronger ankles when she’s not wearing high-rise shoes. โฃ
โ˜ž Lastly, shoes with ankle support may actually increase the risk of ankle injury with falls.โฃ
Avoid used shoes or hand-me-downs when your baby is just learning to walk. Every child’s foot is different and you want a shoe that molds to YOUR child’s foot. โฃ
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