Avoid Picky Eating Habits

Are your toddler’s picky eating patterns perturbing you?
Fussy eating habits and mealtime conflicts can be very frustrating! Food battles can cause a great deal of stress and may even lead us to encourage habitual behavior we later regret.
It is way easier to learn a good habit than it is to break a bad one! So, today, I would like to help you avoid the pain of picky eating issues by discussing ways to prevent those problems before the behavior becomes entrenched.
When we understand what is normal and expected, it becomes easier to avoid potential problems. In this episode, I focus on how to help picky eaters change their habits by explaining how to approach mealtimes in a relaxed manner that encourages a healthy and easy relationship with food.
Stay tuned for more!
Show highlights:
- How often do toddlers need to eat?
- Why toddlers may refuse to eat certain foods.
- What parents can do to side-step unnecessary power struggles.
- A better approach to picky eating.
- Three strategies to avoid food battles and picky eating habits.
- Why you should never pressure your child to eat.
- The benefits of putting your child in charge of what they eat.
- How to ensure your child gets what they need nutritionally, while allowing them to be in charge of what they eat.
- Why make happy and relaxed mealtimes your goal?
- Ways to get your child to try new foods.
- How do kids benefit from structured mealtimes?
Links and resources:
Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: @healthiest_baby
Check out our bestselling online course: Toddlers Made Easy Course
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