Am I Expecting Too Much Of My Toddler?

Unrealistic expectations start early. Would you believe that most moms magnify what their toddlers can manage?
Having unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration and cause unnecessary stress and conflict between parents and children. Parents with unreasonable expectations could even result in children having a sense of failure for not pleasing their parents.
A national survey of parents of young children by the ZERO TO THREE Organization found that most parents overestimate their toddler's abilities. The survey also showed that most parents wished they could stop losing their cool with their toddlers.
Today, I focus on what is known as the expectation gap and dive into the results of the survey. Stay tuned to learn about a toddler’s milestones and how to guide them kindly and effectively!
Show highlights:
- Why toddlers won’t sit still.
- Where to start with assessing your expectations.
- Some potential outcomes of having unrealistic expectations.
- The results of the study done by ZERO TO THREE Organization.
- At what age do children start developing self-control?
- Some common areas of misunderstanding.
- How to cope with a toddler’s desire to do forbidden things.
- Understanding a toddler's milestones and how to guide them with kindness.
- How to strengthen your relationship with your toddler and build trust.
Links and resources:
Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: @healthiest_baby
Check out our bestselling online course: Toddlers Made Easy Course
Does potty training terrify you? Discover 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success!
Watch our FREE Tame Tantrums workshop and stay calmer with tricky toddler moments.
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