Toddlers Are The Most Misunderstood People On The Planet

Would you believe me if I said that toddlers are the most misunderstood people on the planet?
In this episode, we’re uncovering the common misconceptions parents have about toddlers' abilities to share, control their emotions, and manage their impulses. Let’s debunk unrealistic expectations and challenge the negative label often associated with the "Terrible Twos" phase. When we remember the vulnerability and natural curiosity of toddlers, we can learn to approach them with patience and compassion, just like we did when they were babies. It's time to break free from old parenting styles and embrace new approaches that truly align with our values and nurture the well-being of our children.
Let's take a step towards building stronger connections and fostering personal growth for both us and our toddlers!
Learn the proven strategies to help you deal with your toddler in a way that lets you be the best parent you can be. We've got 2 new courses to help you navigate these tricky times!
Toddlers Made Easy
Potty Training Made Easy
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Links and resources:
Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: @healthiest_baby
Check out our bestselling online course: Toddlers Made Easy Course
Our NEW Potty Training Made Easy course is here!
Get the Dynamic Duo: Toddler Tamining + Potty Training courses and save $20
Does potty training terrify you? Discover 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success!
Watch our FREE Tame Tantrums workshop and stay calmer with tricky toddler moments.
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