Learn From Trusted Pediatrician, Dr. Cathryn of Healthiest Baby


Help Your Child Fall Asleep Without You!

A 20-minute on-demand workshop to gently guide your child toward independent sleep while maintaining a strong connection


As Seen In:

Imagine how great this would feel...

✅ No more lying down with your child until they fall asleep (hello, evening free time!).
✅ Replace exhaustion and frustration with energy and time to recharge.
✅ Bedtime without the bedtime drama: It’s possible (even if you don’t believe it now).

Bedtime shouldn't feel like a battle. Struggling with sleep can take over your nights—and your days—leaving everyone exhausted. It's time to reclaim your evenings and actually enjoy peaceful, predictable evenings and nights.

Help Your Child Fall Asleep Without You is a no-fluff, straight-to-the-point program that teaches you the strategies and methods to solve sleep struggles for good, all in a bite-sized lesson that takes less than 20 minutes. 

You'll gain the tools to become your own sleep expert, because no one knows your child better than you do.

Bedtime Without The Bedtime Drama $28

Help Your Toddler Fall Asleep Without You will give you:


✔ Big-hearted tools to maintain a strong emotional connection with your child while they learn new sleep habits. This is NOT a CRY-IT-OUT method. 

✔ Flexible sleep approaches so you can choose the best fit for your family.

✔ Practical tools to end middle-of-the-night wake-ups.

✔ My simple 4-step C.A.L.M. method to help your toddler fall asleep independently.



I’m a pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience. I’ve written two books on parenting, The Parent Problem Solver and The Lull-A-Baby Sleep Plan. I’ve also consulted with hundreds of thousands of parents on how to help with their children’s problem behaviors.

But what makes me uniquely qualified to speak on this subject is that I’m a mom (of 4 kids!) — and I’ve been in your shoes.

I know how hard it is to have a toddler.

And because I’ve been a doctor for so long, I’ve watched parenting theories come and go. But after three decades, I’ve witnessed first-hand what works — and what doesn’t...

Like how fear-based parenting is an outdated practice — and how, on the other end of the spectrum — permissive-based parenting isn’t the answer either (in fact, there’s a lot of research that shows quite a bit of depression in kids raised with permissive parenting).

And just like you, I’m devoted to raising healthy, happy, resilient kids.

I don’t want you to spend another moment having guilt that you’re a “bad parent” (← let me assure you that you’re not).

When you have knowledge and resources to help you, everyone’s life becomes more enjoyable and peaceful.

Take Their Word For It:


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