Unlock your baby's full potential.
Precious Time is an online course that helps parents and caregivers nurture hungry little minds from the womb - 12 months.
You want to make the most of your baby's development.
Between diapers, feeding, and total exhaustion, how are you supposed to get down on the floor and play with your baby? I hear you. That’s why I created this online course.
Healthiest Baby's books and courses are jam-packed with easily doable activities that you can seamlessly weave into crazy-busy days. Spend just five minutes a day and master practical ways to give your baby the best education possible, from day one.
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Did you know that 85% of your baby's brain development occurs in the first 1,000 days of life?
I love the ideas about math. Now when I'm making dinner, I count as I'm chopping food. Before, I felt like I was doing everything I could do just to get through the day. Now, I'm doing the same things but I'm using a few moments to encourage my little guy.
My baby is really enjoying floor time. I always felt guilty about leaving my baby to play on his own. Now I realize I'm helping him by allowing him to stretch and wiggle. He loves to stare at the ceiling fan and I'm enjoying a few moments to put my feet up.
I'm not much of a talker, so I thought I'd feel goofy talking to my baby. But now that we're having conversations, it's my favorite way to spend time together. I love the giggles. So many simple, time-efficient strategies! I actually have more 'free' time, now that I have a plan.
A baby's brain is growing at lightning speed
But the last thing you need is more demands made on your time and heart:
- maybe you feel guilty about not spending more time playing with your baby
- perhaps you don't really know how to support your little one's development
- or maybe you feel like you've missed the boat?
Let me reassure you--- you're already giving your baby the strong and solid foundation she needs by loving him/her so darn much.
get instant access ($99)
You'll get 7, brain-boosting modules presented in easily-digestible chunks.
Feed your baby with one hand and watch the course with the other (or just listen to the course, if neither hand is free).
Module 1:
Start Smart
- Play is serious, it's how your baby learns.
- Stop worrying about milestones.
- Preparing the environment. (Don't skip this one, it's R-E-A-L-L-Y important!)
- Know your baby's temperament. It'll explain a lot.
- Covid-19 related play tips
Module 2: Perfect Play!
- Get an easy-to-follow plan to encourage learning skills.
- Discover tummy-time tricks.
- Learn how bonding builds brainpower.
- Find out how to naturally encourage your baby.
Module 3: The Top 10 Things You Really Need To Do Now
Get practical strategies to stimulate and encourage your baby's growing brain. And so much more. All the essentials.
Module 4: Month-By-Month Play Guidelines
Know how to play with a baby based on her age and stage of development. Learn what your baby's developing brain needs to lay a strong foundation for the future.
Module 5: Before We Part Ways
- What to do when you REALLY don't feel like doing anything. Why you don't need to feel guilty about it . . . and what to do instead.
- Let's get you some spare time by showing you how to integrate brain-boosting activities into the normal activities you do each day. You deserve free time.
(BONUS) Module 6: How To Nurture Your Unborn Baby's Hungry Little Mind
It’s amazing to discover what’s going on before you even meet your little person.
- Babies are listening and engaged while in the womb, which means they are already learning.
- Let's look at how and what babies understand in the womb, what they remember after birth, and how this helps them in their new world. Warning: you might cry! Sorry-not sorry.
As you complete each module, you’ll gain:
- Pediatrician-approved information
- Clear strategies to guide your baby to her full potential
- Easy to digest advice. I know you’re pressed for time so the lessons are mini-but-mighty.
- Confidence. All your friends will be asking you for advice.
- Downloadable month-by-month play guides
- Practical guides, which is great if you just want someone to tell you what to do and when to do it