“I love that I get to work with all you wonderful people.”
Dear Mom and Dad,
When I hung up my shingle more than 30 years ago, I had no idea about early brain growth. Like other baby doctors at the time, I assumed infants would naturally learn without any obvious efforts on our part and once school started, the real learning would begin.
But after completing my residency at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, one of the world’s busiest pediatric medical centres, it struck me that our culture goes about early infant development backwards. First, we allow massive brain development to occur, and then years later, we send our kids off to school.
Healthiest Baby was started to give parents the support and strategies they need to stimulate mental development during a baby’s most important months of learning.
Understand the world from your baby’s perspective and make the most of this precious time.
Healthiest Baby knows:
What babies need
How babies learn
How to engage babies with and without toys
You won’t always feel like playing with your baby (that’s okay, really!)
How to get the most out of playtime
Wondering where
to start? . . .
Parents often worry (and feel guilty) that they’re not doing enough to challenge their baby intellectually. At Healthiest Baby, we use online courses and ebooks to support parents in their new role as baby’s first teacher. Check out a sample lesson to see for yourself.

Success Stories:
I’m a first-time mom who wants to do the very best for my baby. Play Smart will definitely help me!
— Tanya
I love the Precious Time audio course. The lessons are short and practical. No more guilt about not playing enough with my baby!
— Christine
Love! Love. love. I’ve learned easy strategies that don’t take extra time or money. Now, I’ve more free time and less guilt. Really, grateful!
— Sam

Plus . . .
Want a short weekly email with a clear and solid parenting insight that will CALM your nerves, SAVE you frustration, and UP your confidence?

Let’s get real here . . .
As the most sleep-deprived people on the planet, the last thing you need is anyone making you feel guilty!
It’s the quality of learning playtime that matters, not the quantity
Connect with me here