Precious Time:
the audio version
Precious Time is an audio course to help parents boost their baby's brain development when it matters most
(from the womb- 2 years)
BUY NOW ($39)

You want to make the most of your baby's development.
Between diapers, feeding, and total exhaustion, how are you supposed to get down on the floor and play with your baby? I hear you. That’s why I created this course. Precious Time is jam-packed with easily-doable activities that you can seamlessly weave into crazy-busy days.
Spend just five minutes a day in the course and master practical ways to help your little superstar shine.
BUY NOW ($39)
Did you know that 85% of your baby's brain development occurs in the first 1,000 days of life?

Give your baby exactly what she needs

UNDERSTAND each OF YOUR BABY'S magnificent milestone

What happy moms are saying...
Now I understand that encouraging developmental milestones doesn’t need to be complicated and I don’t need to be ON every single second of the day. What a giant relief!!!!!!
— Lucy
Since organizing toys like Dr Cathryn advised, my toddler is putting away his toys on his own.
Every mom needs this!
— Mona
My favourite part is The 10 Things You Really Need To Do Right Now. This course is giving me a badly-needed boost of confidence.
— Kim
You'll get 4 brain-boosting modules presented in easily digestible chunks
Module 1:
Start Smart
Play is serious, it's how your baby learns.
Babies are like sponges
Module 2:
Perfect Play!
Preparing the environment. (Don't skip this one, it's R-E-A-L-L-Y important!)
5 easy-to-follow strategies to encourage learning skills.
Focus on efforts, not results
Module 3:
The top 10 things you really need to do now
Get practical strategies to stimulate and encourage your baby's growing brain.
Module 4:
Before We Part Ways
A word about milestones
How to weave play into everyday activities
Don't worry, you're doing enough
You matter too!
As you complete each module, you’ll gain:
Pediatrician-approved information
Clear strategies. to guide your baby to her full potential
Easy to digest advice. The lessons are mini-but-mighty.
Confidence.. All your friends will be asking YOU for advice.
Quick tricks to save time
Practical lessons, which is great if you just want to know what to do and when to do it

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