Learn From Top Paediatrician, Dr. Cathryn of Healthiest Baby

Free Presentation Reveals:

How to Tame Tantrums Quickly Without
Losing Your Cool 

Become a Chiller, Happier Parent in Just 20 minutes!



Free Presentation Reveals:

How to Tame Tantrums Quickly Without
Losing Your Cool 

Become a Chiller, Happier Parent in Just 20 minutes!

As Seen In:

You'll Learn...

Secret #1

How to Manage Meltdowns Without Feeling Like You’re On The Verge of Having One Yourself

Secret #2

Exactly How To Actually Stop a Tantrum (in Private AND Public!) And Feel More Confident About Handling Unwanted Behavior Peacefully

Secret #3

The Tools That Will Help You Parent The Way You Want To – No More Worrying About If You’re Doing It Wrong

Yes, Teach Me The Secrets!

I’m a pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience. I’ve written two books on parenting, The Parent Problem Solver and The Lull-A-Baby Sleep Plan. I’ve also consulted with hundreds of thousands of parents on how to help with their children’s problem behaviors.

But what makes me uniquely qualified to speak on this subject is that I’m a mom (of 4 kids!) — and I’ve been in your shoes.

I know how hard it is to have a toddler.

And because I’ve been a doctor for so long, I’ve watched parenting theories come and go. But after three decades, I’ve witnessed first-hand what works — and what doesn’t...

Like how fear-based parenting is an outdated practice — and how, on the other end of the spectrum — permissive-based parenting isn’t the answer either (in fact, there’s a lot of research that shows quite a bit of depression in kids raised with permissive parenting).

And just like you, I’m devoted to raising healthy, happy, resilient kids.

I don’t want you to spend another moment having guilt that you’re a “bad parent” (← let me assure you that you’re not).

When you have knowledge and resources to help you, everyone’s life becomes more enjoyable and peaceful.

This Masterclass is a MUST if...

✅You’re tired of worrying about doing everything wrong

✅You feel guilty for snapping, shouting, and screaming at your kids

✅You want to become a calmer parent —at home and in public

✅You want to know how to minimize tantrums

Yes, Teach Me The Secrets!

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