Learn From Trusted Paediatrician, Dr. Cathryn of Healthiest Baby

Calmly manage tantrums in a way that WORKS and protects your child's self-esteem.



Tantrum Is Just A Toddler Acting His Age  

This Masterclass isn’t just about taming tantrums – it’s about equipping your child with the tools they need (i.e., the building blocks for helping them become the best versions of themselves) during these critical, formative years.

Get Masterclass $27
As Seen In:

Imagine how great this would feel...

 Shorter, less intense, and fewer tantrums.

✅ Replace embarrassment and overwhelm with calm and composure.

Say goodbye to the guilt and self-doubt that comes with trying to live up to unrealistic parenting expectations. 

✅ Watch your toddler grow into a confident, curious, and emotionally strong little human.

So if you’re tired of the screaming matches, the power plays, and the feeling that you’ll never have a sane moment again, the Big-Hearted Approach promises to fix all that… or at least stop you from crying in the pantry while you stress-eat Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 

Get Masterclass Now

What Inside:

  ✔️ Should I Ignore Tantrums?

✔️ How To STOP a Tantrum Before It Begins

✔️ How To Side-Step Tantrums

✔️ How To Shorten A Tantrum

✔️ What To Say Before A Tantrum

✔️ What To Say During A Tantrum

✔️ After A Tantrum: what a toddler is worrying about

✔️ How To Use C.A.L.M. method. Nail this powerful parenting tool and watch your confidence soar.

✔️ When To Talk To Your Healthcare Provider

BONUS: Tantrum Scripts, Tame Public Tantrums Guide, PREP checklist, De-escalate Tantrums Checklist, Handle Tantrums Like A Pro guide, Help Sibling get along poster, When Your Toddler Hits guide (VALUE $100)

Less Frequent Tantrums, please!

I’m a pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience. I’ve written two books on parenting, The Parent Problem Solver and The Lull-A-Baby Sleep Plan. I’ve also consulted with hundreds of thousands of parents on how to help with their children’s problem behaviors.

But what makes me uniquely qualified to speak on this subject is that I’m a mom (of 4 kids!) — and I’ve been in your shoes.

I know how hard it is to have a toddler.

And because I’ve been a doctor for so long, I’ve watched parenting theories come and go. But after three decades, I’ve witnessed first-hand what works — and what doesn’t...

…Like how fear-based parenting is an outdated practice — and how, on the other end of the spectrum — permissive-based parenting isn’t the answer either (in fact, there’s a lot of research that shows quite a bit of depression in kids raised with permissive parenting).

And just like you, I’m devoted to raising healthy, happy, resilient kids.

I don’t want you to spend another moment having guilt that you’re a “bad parent” (← let me assure you that you’re not).

When you have knowledge and resources to help you, everyone’s life becomes more enjoyable and peaceful.

Take Their Word For It:

👀 Fewer, Shorter Tantrums $27

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